Krzysztof Wolek became the head of the University of Louisville Computer Music Studies in 2008. The
UofL Computer Music Studios
support research, production and creative work
in the fields of electro-acoustic music, multimedia and sound art. Maintained by the School of Music,
state-of-the-art computer music facilities accommodate introductory and advanced computer music classes
that attract a broad spectrum of undergraduate and graduate students from various university
departments and disciplines. Creative research conducted in the studios may involve audio synthesis,
sound analysis, digital signal processing, algorithmic and fixed media multichannel composition,
computer generated/assisted music, computer music improvisation, sound and multimedia art, installations,
robotics, visual art, artificial intelligence, audio recording and post-production, among others.
Two multichannel studios are equipped with powerful Macintosh computers, various digital audio interfaces,
auxiliary digital and analog hardware and specialized software. The additional multi-user lab is equipped
with computers supporting audio and digital production.
The Computer Music Studios strongly support and facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations as well as
sponsor multiple events throughout the year, including guest lectures and presentations,
master classes, concerts and events featuring guest performers and sound artists.
In the Computer Music Studios an open-minded teaching, learning and research environment is created where the faculty, students and guests
seek to discover knowledge and to expand the creative potential through innovation, imagination and
expression in order to better understand humanity and the universe.